A valid question has recently been brought to my attention; "how big would they be compared to you (or, to a person in general)?"
Hmmmm….. all this time, I'd been drawing them to be in relation to one another, and to various things and places on their home, planet Zurbpod. After all, they won't technically be interacting with people at all in their web comic series.
Still, I like this question, enough to do a little 'photo shoot' around our condo, to show the approximate size each animal would be if I were hanging out with them in real time (as their 'mother', I wish!).
Dogosaur is the biggest - although he's a big playful puppy at heart, there's no denying his dinosaur side is nothing short of intimidating!
Pandaroo is quiet and thoughtful, and a fun buddy to just hang out with - maybe watch some TV?
Parrofly is playful and silly - so I showed us goofing around here!
Ahh, Slowan - one of my favorite hippie guys (or, do they prefer to be called "slackers"?) Anyway, here he is chilling in our bath tub :)
Elefox is very friendly, and that can only be a good thing! If he were not friendly, I'd be in danger from his size! Still, he'd be fun to hang out with.
Beever may look intimidating at first, but he'd never sting you - literally, since he has a beaver tail where a bee's stinger would be! He's very friendly and sweet.
Rabbird is a bit on the shy side, so we don't exchange words here :)
Awww, my fluffy froggy, Froogle! After all, she is part poodle.
I imagine Penguana being about the size of a large penguin, but of course with his iguana features. I really enjoy how he is so polar opposite within himself.
Zebat is one of my favorites, both to create and to voice! She's ultra-feminine and has a French accent, and a playful spirit.
Octomouse was another one who is just as fun to voice as she is to draw, though it does strain my vocal cords a bit to talk that high!
So there you have it, friends 😍 This was a really fun project to do, since it was fun to hone my acting skills by posing with them as if though they're in reality with me (like I said, I wish!)
And, being a digital artist as well, I really enjoyed making this overlay, and adding speech bubbles. I am thinking of making these into stickers just for the heck of it....
Oh - and did you notice the Tee shirts in each picture? The Kawaii365 one, I drew myself with fabric markers a couple of years ago when I began my year-long art project. The other 3 are all available on my RedBubble shop, in addition to each Zoo'd character - enjoy!
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Daryl J. and the animals!